The Paint by Numbers puzzles in the August issue were inadvertently repeated from the Holiday issue due to an administrative error. Here are replacement puzzles and answers. We apologize for the inconvenience.…
Read moreCategory: Corrections
In October’s Table Talk contest, clue 17 is out of alphabetical order. Its answer comes between answers 14 and 15 alphabetically.
Also, some solvers have pointed out that, for several answers, there is more than one way to parse them. …
Read moreOctober 2020 Correction: PENCIL POINTERS 2
April 2020 Correction: Split Decisions
September 2018 Correction: Solitaire Hangman
September 2017 Correction: CRYPTOLISTS
(September, page 20)
One of the entries in “Vowel-uable Words,” NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, does not contain the vowel A and thus does not fit the category. All of the other answers in the list contain all of the vowels, including Y. NEUROPSYCHIATRY …
June 2017 Correction: Impasse
In “Impasse” (June, page 50), the diagram was mistakenly printed without arrows, making the puzzle impossible to solve. Here is the corrected diagram. Our apologies for the oversight.

May 2017 Correction: What Are the Odds?
In “What Are the Odds?” (May, page 15), an extra NINE slipped into the “9” grid. There are actually 10 NINEs to be found, when there should have been exactly nine. Our apologies for the oversight.…
Read moreFebruary 2017 Correction: Roleplaying 2017
This contest went to press before some of the films in the contest were released. It’s possible that information at press time that an actor would be in an upcoming movie did not end up being true, due to a …
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